Altar Guild
The members of the Altar Guild prepare and change the appearance of the chancel/altar area based on the season or the church year.
Please contact Barb Mrosko with any questions.
The Lutheran Women Missionary League, also called Women in Mission, collects mites for various projects to the further our church’s mission. All women in the L.C.M.S. Synod are members and can go to their meetings on the second Thursday of each month at 1:00 P.M.
Contact Arlene Zielske for information or visit their national website at
The nursery is currently open at all three services for parents with young children and staffed at the 10:30 a.m. service. It provides a safe place while parents are worshiping. We need volunteers to help out!
Pie Makers
The Pie Makers started as a fundraiser for the new church when it was being built. After it was completed, they just kept making pies and have raised over $190,000 to date. They meet most Monday’s at 8 A.M. but may change because of special holidays/events. They make rhubarb, strawberry (plain, glazed, and custard) raspberry, blueberry, apple, pumpkin, pecan, cherry, and many different combinations depending on the fruit season, usually ending in October. Pies can be purchased at Trinity each Monday morning from 8:00 to 12:00 and also after each church service. They are also available at Trump’s Orchard during the fall season. If you wish to help or donate ingredients (flour, sugar, Crisco, fruit, butter, etc.) contact a pie-maker member.
Questions or pie orders can be directed to Arlene Zielske.
The Quilters meet on Wednesdays at 9:00 A.M. from September to May to make their exceptional quilts. Some work is done at home and other work is done at meetings. Quilts are given to high school graduates, Mission groups, World Relief, Human Services (local) with over 200 quilts made each year.
Please call Barbara Mrosko with questions regarding the quilts or if you wish to donate time or materials.
American Heritage Girls
Trinity proudly supports the American Heritage Girls. Several times a month we have troop and leaders’ meetings at Trinity. For more information about how you can join, please contact Billie Jo Weeg.
Small Group Bible Studies
The members of Trinity’s Family Life Ministry Committee cordially invite you to join one of the following Small Group Bible Studies:
Leader: Jeffrey Evenmo
Men’s Bible Study – Group Meetings: Fridays at 8:00 a.m. in the Trinity Fellowship Hall.
Leader: Vivian Hagre
Group Meetings: Wednesday mornings at 8:30 a.m. at Vivian Hagre’s home.
Leader: Ruth Hildebrandt & Bev Paschke
Group Meetings: Every Tuesday at 9:00 a.m. in the Trinity Fellowship Hall.
Leader: Todd & Joyce Trump
Group Meetings: 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month at 6:00 p.m. in members’ homes.
Leader: Noel Handberg
Group Meetings: bi-weekly, usually Monday or Tuesday night
Women’s Bible Study – Billie Jo Weeg
Group Meetings: Most Mondays at 6:30 p.m. at Trinity (starting Jan. 13)
Women’s Bible Study – No leader
Group Meetings: Mondays after Pie-making in the Fellowship Hall (will resume in the spring)
— For more information concerning Trinity’s Small Group Bible Studies, please call the church office. —